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1960 F100 Upgrades

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#1 Omotose


    F-Series Newbie

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  • Favorite F-Series Year?:1960

Posted 24 March 2011 - 09:10 PM

I'm glad I found this forum while cruising the Bronco Graveyard researching parts. I've recently picked up a 1960 F100 4X4.

Here's a pic.Posted Image

So this truck is basically stock other than it has had a Cummins 4BT swapped in. The tranny is a BW t19. It still has the closed knuckle Dana 44 and manual steering. I want to swap the 44 out for an open knuckle, convert to disc brakes, and add power steering.

What I need to research and learn about is the best way to accomplish this. I also have a '66 Bronco that I swapped in a Dana 44 and converted to disc brakes and power steering but that was fairly easy given the aftermarket stuff available and the Bronco parts support. The F100 will be a little more of a challenge. The factory steering is behind the axle and the steering knuckle is on the left side. I'd like to get a steering box mounted ahead of the axle and come up with a crossover steering.

I'd appreciate any knowledgable input to this project.

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