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Selective Cylinders?

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#1 Guest_Dead to the Ties_*

Guest_Dead to the Ties_*
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Posted 23 July 2004 - 08:02 AM

>:) My trucks cylinders are ramdomly dying one at a time. This started about three years ago, when I was not so pleasntly toteling along and pop, there went a cylinder (I think). Well anywho, how do I fix this?>:)


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#2 Guest_richman222_*

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Posted 23 July 2004 - 04:48 PM

What do you mean? A "dead" cylinder usually means an ignition failure in the combustion chamber. Check for spark from your plugs first. If there is no spark, it's probably time for a tune-up (new spark plugs, plug wires, distributor cap, distributor rotor). An actual "dead" cylinder is when the spark plug is fouled by oil blowing through the piston rings or through a hole in the top of the piston. Run a compression check on each cylinder. If there is little to no compression, it's time to rebuild the engine.

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