I have been going for the past ten years and love it every year-has some of the coolest fords you'll lay your eyes on as well as southern hospitality.There will be many many vendors there as well some of the best nos items you'll find.If anyone interested in coming the show will be at chilohowee park(think I spelled it right)in knoxville as per the knoxville zoo exit!I would suggest being prepared as there has always been construction going on and has been on the radio that there is a reroute for pigeon forge traffic,so wont know till I go as to whether this affects knoxville traffic or not.The exit for the park is on the other side of knoxville,but not very close to the pigeon forge exit.I can also tell you that dennis-carpenter.com would have all info. needed/hey bring your wallet with you when you come,if you look for parts.I do hope that people can take advantage of this,well worth the trip as it goes on friday,saturday,and sunday as well.Hope to see you there....

f-100 nats in knoxville,tn
Started by
high in '79
, May 03 2008 06:44 AM
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