I have a background in electric troubleshooting and repair.
Have not as yet pulled out the multimeter to test anything.
I am in the swim pool industry, working on everything from motors to CPU based controls using relays to activate the various components.
I am having a hard time visualizing what could cause this.
1978 Ford F100 2wd
The Problem: Right rear brake light / during daylight hours both
brake lights function, although it seem the right rear is somewhat
When I turn on the headlights/parking lights and apply the brakes
the passenger side (right rear) light goes out completely.
Foot off brake light back on / Have not tested to see which filament
in the bulb is lit. Break light bulb has 2 filiments one for tail light/one
for turn, brake.
Suspect it is a short in the harness wishing its not. So as I said
hoping for someone who had this occur to shed some light on the
subject, (pun intended) or someone to help me with procedural steps
to test + determine causes.
Thanks in advance for your help,
Jim M