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Idaho Trails

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#1 Guest_biggnat79_*

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 09:18 PM

Im moving to Idaho this summer and hope to have my bronco in condition to test some trails. Does anybody know of any?

#2 Guest_zakcode_*

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Posted 18 April 2004 - 03:22 PM

sorry it tokk so long for me to get to this for you.try http://www.idaho4x4.com there is some info on some trails and some good pics of a few areas where you will do some damage to your bronco :D with a name like carnage canyon it will be a fun run. there is a trail outside of MTN HOME a ways called THE DEVILS PLAYGROUND that can be as easy or as diffacult as you want. there are a few around the base that are desert trails but still ok. i will talk to a few people to find out more for you. later dave...

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