I have a 1997 Ford F350 wit a 7.5 FI engine..It has been running great until a few days ago..I can be going down the road and it will start skipping and cannot apply gas to it at all...I can pop it into neutral and turn off motor and restart it and it will run great for a short time and then it starts it all over again...Does anyone have any idea on where to start on fixing this issue? I have checked codes and this truck is setup for KOEO or KOER codes..It did give me a SPOUT Circuit Open code on 1 scan but the next it wasnt showing this code..plus also Thermal Air not working..(Whatever that is).

1997 Ford 7.5
Started by
, Aug 07 2016 06:31 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 07 August 2016 - 07:56 AM
Yo tfordala,
Can you give me the codes?
Here is one example:
P1359 Spark Output circuit fault
Description: Spark Output Circuit Malfunction
Probable Causes:
Sensor or solenoid faulty
Connector terminal contact is damaged or corroded
Wire harness - Check harness for correct voltage, open, short to ground or short to voltage
Update control unit software - Check for the latest control unit update
Powertrain or Engine Control Module faulty
Ignition system - Ignition module, coil, spark plugs and wires
I believe I can get the Ford pin point test, but it is complicated and probably uses the obsolete break out box..it is available on E bay for $100.00 - $230.00.
Can you give me the codes?
Here is one example:
P1359 Spark Output circuit fault
Description: Spark Output Circuit Malfunction
Probable Causes:
Sensor or solenoid faulty
Connector terminal contact is damaged or corroded
Wire harness - Check harness for correct voltage, open, short to ground or short to voltage
Update control unit software - Check for the latest control unit update
Powertrain or Engine Control Module faulty
Ignition system - Ignition module, coil, spark plugs and wires
I believe I can get the Ford pin point test, but it is complicated and probably uses the obsolete break out box..it is available on E bay for $100.00 - $230.00.
96 Bronco, E4OD, Man Xfer Case & Hubs
See my Big Bronco & F Series Technical & Parts LINKS site. Will need to clean up dead links & add many more new links some day. Thanks to Mr. Schwim! http://schwimserver5.com/?index=1128
Thanks to All Who Serve
See my Big Bronco & F Series Technical & Parts LINKS site. Will need to clean up dead links & add many more new links some day. Thanks to Mr. Schwim! http://schwimserver5.com/?index=1128
Thanks to All Who Serve
Posted 30 August 2016 - 06:38 AM
1997 F-350 Dually su cab 460 gas engine, auto,trans. -Sometime it will fire up, sometimes it will not. Ever since i got it back from the shop it has had this issue. I just had the transmission rebuilt. It may have had nothing to do it, i don't know. I have shot starting fluid in it ,and started it. Thanks, Mike
Posted 01 September 2016 - 05:39 AM
Yo Mike,
Has it been checked for codes?
Post them here.
Check Engine Light (CEL) comes on when the electronic engine control system is not working properly. The check engine warning indicator comes on briefly when the ignition switch lock cylinder is turned to ON, and should turn off when the engine starts. If the check engine warning indicator does not come on when the ignition switch lock cylinder is turned to ON or if it comes on while the vehicle is moving, the system is malfunctioning
If the CEL does not light up at all when starting it; then suspect that bulb is burnt-out or loose, socket was damaged by PO or shop, etc. or someone removed it.
Same for:
Transmission Control Indicator Light (TCIL) is a LED and overdrive on/off switch at end of the Transmission shifter stalk; flashing OD light is an indication of a transmission related trouble code in the Powertrain Control Module (PCM).
Can try to get Ford pin point test for codes.
Without a code;
Vacuum leak., if air flows from cab vents is always from defroster vents, there is a vaccumr leak.
Air inlet to filter box and to throttle body; look for obstruction; damaged or openmtubing
Fuel quality, water in gas or Oxidized fuel often turns darker over time and may even smell sour. You can check stored gasoline by pouring some into a clear glass container and comparing it side-by-side with known fresh gasoline. If your old sample looks noticeably darker than the fresh gas, you have strong evidence the gas has gone bad.
Has it been checked for codes?
Post them here.
Check Engine Light (CEL) comes on when the electronic engine control system is not working properly. The check engine warning indicator comes on briefly when the ignition switch lock cylinder is turned to ON, and should turn off when the engine starts. If the check engine warning indicator does not come on when the ignition switch lock cylinder is turned to ON or if it comes on while the vehicle is moving, the system is malfunctioning
If the CEL does not light up at all when starting it; then suspect that bulb is burnt-out or loose, socket was damaged by PO or shop, etc. or someone removed it.
Same for:
Transmission Control Indicator Light (TCIL) is a LED and overdrive on/off switch at end of the Transmission shifter stalk; flashing OD light is an indication of a transmission related trouble code in the Powertrain Control Module (PCM).
Can try to get Ford pin point test for codes.
Without a code;
Vacuum leak., if air flows from cab vents is always from defroster vents, there is a vaccumr leak.
Air inlet to filter box and to throttle body; look for obstruction; damaged or openmtubing
Fuel quality, water in gas or Oxidized fuel often turns darker over time and may even smell sour. You can check stored gasoline by pouring some into a clear glass container and comparing it side-by-side with known fresh gasoline. If your old sample looks noticeably darker than the fresh gas, you have strong evidence the gas has gone bad.
96 Bronco, E4OD, Man Xfer Case & Hubs
See my Big Bronco & F Series Technical & Parts LINKS site. Will need to clean up dead links & add many more new links some day. Thanks to Mr. Schwim! http://schwimserver5.com/?index=1128
Thanks to All Who Serve
See my Big Bronco & F Series Technical & Parts LINKS site. Will need to clean up dead links & add many more new links some day. Thanks to Mr. Schwim! http://schwimserver5.com/?index=1128
Thanks to All Who Serve
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