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Some Type Of Jamboree For Us (broncozone) Members.

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#21 walterm


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Posted 07 November 2004 - 12:17 PM

bradt,the point to doing this is to meet everyone else. if you don't wish to drive to any events than its your choice. there are many things that must be done before this is even possable. now so you know, if you don't show up I'll be heart broken :(( just kidding. but in truth, every person counts. I live in louisiana, and I'm willing to drive to where ever this is going to be. yup, I'm the man :D/

#22 Bradt


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Posted 07 November 2004 - 01:53 PM

I really don't think I'm alone in that. I'd love to meet all you guys, but let's be realistic about it. There's only a handful of people here who are regularly active. Even if you get half of those people you're not going to have a very good turnout. I think you're trying to get too big too fast. It would be better, as others have pointed out too, to start with local events/outings, then move from there.

Just look at the interest this topic has generated. A lot of views, but only a couple of people posting. You can bet that of the people that do show interest at least 30% won't end up going. Either because of prior commitments, funds, or just a change of mind.

If the people from Az, for instance, had gotten together a few times already, they would be able to draw one another to attend just by going. As it stands now we have a few isolated individuals, and that's it. If I had been out with the guys from GA a few times and had a good time, I'd be more likely to travel farther. Dropping $300-$400 in gas is a bit of an investment, and that doesn't even count accomodations, food, emergency stash in the event something breaks, and other items that a person would need.

You really are putting a lot of effort into this, and that's great! Why not start smaller and build to that? If you have one big event with a handful of attendees you still don't get to meet any more people than you would with a more local event with the same number. I'm not talking about having something for the guys in AZ that no one else could attend, but have one there and let them have fun, and if anyone else shows up great!

Even with the main event in mind we need to somehow coordinate some smaller get togethers. Even just day trips would be good. It will not only get people acquainted, it would get some group shots in the gallery, some posts about the fun times, and would get the interest you're looking for in the big one you want to do.


PS- If you don't want people's input don't ask for it. There's no need to be snide about it. I'm well aware that my attendance isn't going to make or break anything.

#23 walterm


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Posted 08 November 2004 - 06:42 AM

I do want everyone's comments good or bad. speaking honistly your right, I am thinking too big. we'll throw some other ideas out for everyone to respond to. besides, it's my birthday...... be nice, or you'll hurt my feelings. I'm depressed, I'm old. 27. now let me wallow in pitty

#24 Bradt


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Posted 08 November 2004 - 06:53 AM

Happy Birthday! A few years from now you'll look back and think "Man I squandered all that time thinking I was old. Look how young I was". Don't waste a second of it.


#25 4xfan78


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Posted 08 November 2004 - 08:18 AM

Heh I just turned 30 yesterday, 27 isnt that bad. We need to find out who has trails (a fun place for us to sling some mud) around the southeast. Then decide on which place is a central location to go to. I kinda agree with bradt I really do not want nor can I afford to spend 3 or 4 hundred bucks on a weekend trip, but I would like to get together and meet some of the people so if it does end up costing a little to do this then I guess thats what we will have to do.
The most important thing is we need to find a place to go!!!!!!!

#26 admin


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Posted 08 November 2004 - 02:29 PM

Just an FYI, BZ is affiliated with the ECBR which hosts the Free 4 All...


We could partner with them since that is one of the largest bronco events out there. I am possibly going to be flying there myself from San Diego to represent Jeff's Bronco Graveyard (I administrate JBG's website) so I might be able to round up some BZ only door prizes or something like that.

Make sure to add images of your truck to your personal photo album!!!

#27 Guest_broncoheaven_*

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Posted 08 November 2004 - 03:28 PM

I am game. I have been wanting to do some truckin and camping.

#28 walterm


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Posted 08 November 2004 - 05:38 PM

thanks everyone, I'm not old. I just feel old. I know I can get us a place to do this, but as everyone said, it's too far for everyone to drive. so if possable give me some ideas on where most of you are and maybe we can find a happy medium for everyone to go. with gas prices it's hard to afford to do this trip, but if we plan this right maybe we can save the money. plan for sometime next year. does this sound possable? can this work? I know I can get us access to verious army bases, or state parks. if anyone has a better idea or sugestion, please speak up. nothing goes unheard.

#29 Justshootme84


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Posted 08 November 2004 - 06:53 PM

One possible location is in Gilmer, TX which is East of Dallas. Superlift is having an event on 11/19-21, and I would go to it if I didn't already have a committment that weekend.


I know there's plenty of events going on there trhoughout the year, as well as some of the other offroad parks in TX. I don't know about other states, but it seems like these are the only places to go to, with private land inaccessable and liabilty issues.

If someone needs a schedule of events at any location in Texas, I can post the links for you. I personally would be more willing to travel long distance to LA or ARK to something like this or the ECBR deal than a site-specific GTG, just my two cents.
1984 Bronco XLT, 351W H.O., C-6 AT, Ford 9", SkyJ 6" lift, 35" tires on MT Classic rims, S&W Racecars 10-pt cage kit, custom "shaker" assembly.
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#30 walterm


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Posted 13 November 2004 - 12:08 PM

I may be confussed, but it seems like something's missing here? I haven't been able to post anything. oh well, I've talked to a few friends and they are getting us access to a few military bases. I'm shooting for summer 05 to do this.

#31 Shadow_D


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 04:29 AM

Well lets see if this works today...
I love the idea of a Bronco Zone Jamboree! It would be great to be able to put faces with the names.
I beleave it would be difficult for some people to travel to the event so making it an annual thing in differant parts of the country would be helpfull.
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#32 walterm


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Posted 24 December 2004 - 03:07 PM

Okay people, think I've figured out how to do this!!! it will be broken down into 3 .
1 in texas, 1 in the new york area, and 1 in the carolina's. does this work for everyone? army's already giving me the go ahead.

#33 Bradt


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Posted 24 December 2004 - 05:17 PM

Carolinas works for me. Any dates yet?

Merry Christmas everyone!


#34 Ziggy


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Posted 24 December 2004 - 10:37 PM

OK, let me throw in my 2 cents here and see what happens. I think this is a great idea and more people probably would be interested if they knew about it. But being the holidays, most people are out running around shopping, trying to get the last GI Joe with the kung fu grip or the Barbie with life like hair in all the right places, going to parties and the rest of the fun things we do to torture ourselves at Christmas time. I'm from SoCal area and would like to see one out our way, of course where can we hold it without offending some tree hugger is another story. I wouldn't mind heading to the midwest to attend, but after spending 9 months in Iraq, travel and adventure is not high on my list. I sure the wife will go through the roof when I tell her I'm heading out for the weekend with my friends to our favorite 4wd area. As for the military base thing, I wonder about that. Most bases are on high security and aren't to keen about non-military folks coming on base. Maybe that's just the Marine Corps, but there are legel issues to deal with as well and Uncle Sam can be a prick. I'm not trying to put a damper on any of this even though it may seem like it. I think it would be great to meet fellow Bronco owners and put faces to people on this web site. Hell, I have visions of everyone looking like this guy, :) or one of the other smilies people post. I will help out any way I can, even if it means just throwing in a couple of bills to help off set the costs one way or another. The way, 27 or 30 isn't that bad, try 44, but my wife will tell you she's raising 3 kids. Just remember "Growing old is a requirement, growing up is optional"

#35 fbrown3


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Posted 25 December 2004 - 08:52 PM

I think it is a good idea. as for the non Broncos just make them pay a small fee to help out with odds and ends for the run. Possibly make a northern and souhtern run east and west also.since I live in the upper states in the east(just a thought) but would still try to make the run since I used tolive in Alabama next to Fort Benning.

#36 Shadow_D


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Posted 26 December 2004 - 07:30 AM

I still think it is great! I can't wait to beable to meet you all.
Walter CALL ME ASAP!!!!
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#37 walterm


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Posted 31 December 2004 - 05:20 PM

I tried to call!!!! ashley said you weren't home. oh, she flirts with me. it's so cute. the marines suck!!!!!!!!! (only becouse I'm a former Army RANGER) and one of the places is ft. benning, ga. the army is being ver spacific about where we can be and everyone is going to have to understand and follow rules. if this works, maybe we can do this regularly.

#38 4xfan78


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Posted 01 January 2005 - 01:01 PM

Ft Benning sounds like a good idea for those of us in the south. Got any ideas on a date?

#39 walterm


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Posted 01 January 2005 - 01:35 PM

still working on it. I need input from everyone on when it would be easiest for everyone.

#40 4xfan78


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 07:07 AM

Sometime in the spring is good for me.

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