Posted 07 November 2004 - 01:53 PM
I really don't think I'm alone in that. I'd love to meet all you guys, but let's be realistic about it. There's only a handful of people here who are regularly active. Even if you get half of those people you're not going to have a very good turnout. I think you're trying to get too big too fast. It would be better, as others have pointed out too, to start with local events/outings, then move from there.
Just look at the interest this topic has generated. A lot of views, but only a couple of people posting. You can bet that of the people that do show interest at least 30% won't end up going. Either because of prior commitments, funds, or just a change of mind.
If the people from Az, for instance, had gotten together a few times already, they would be able to draw one another to attend just by going. As it stands now we have a few isolated individuals, and that's it. If I had been out with the guys from GA a few times and had a good time, I'd be more likely to travel farther. Dropping $300-$400 in gas is a bit of an investment, and that doesn't even count accomodations, food, emergency stash in the event something breaks, and other items that a person would need.
You really are putting a lot of effort into this, and that's great! Why not start smaller and build to that? If you have one big event with a handful of attendees you still don't get to meet any more people than you would with a more local event with the same number. I'm not talking about having something for the guys in AZ that no one else could attend, but have one there and let them have fun, and if anyone else shows up great!
Even with the main event in mind we need to somehow coordinate some smaller get togethers. Even just day trips would be good. It will not only get people acquainted, it would get some group shots in the gallery, some posts about the fun times, and would get the interest you're looking for in the big one you want to do.
PS- If you don't want people's input don't ask for it. There's no need to be snide about it. I'm well aware that my attendance isn't going to make or break anything.